Monday, March 26, 2007

Defeating Temptation - I'm trying.

"God has promised never to allow more on you than he puts within you to handle it."

4 biblical keys to defeating temptation:

(1) Refocus your attention on smth else.
We are advised to refocus our attention because resisting a thought doesn't work. By resisting it, you actually reinforce it. The more you fight a feeling, the more it consumes and controls you. You strengthen it everytime you think of it. Don't fight the thought; just change the channel of your mind and get interested in another idea. We naturally move toward whatever we focus our attention on. Ignoring a temptation is far more effective than fighting it. Sometimes this means physically leaving a tempting situation. Keep your mind occupied with God's Word and other good thoughts. Satan can't get your attention when your mind is pre-occupied with smth else. You must manage your mind and monitor your media intake. Be selective. Choose carefully what you think about.

"Fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honourable."

(2) Reveal your struggle to a godly friend or support group.
Authentic, honest fellowship is the antidote to your lonely struggle against those sins that won't budge. Hiding your hurt only intensifies it. Satan wants you to think that your sin and temptation are unique so you must keep them a secret. The reason we hide our faults is pride. Whatever you can't talk about is already out of control in your life. You need a small group or accountability partner who will encourage you, support you, pray for you, love you unconditionally and hold you accountable.

"You are better off to have a friend than to be all alone...If you fall, your friend can help you up. But if you fall without having a friend nearby, you are really in trouble."

"God sets himself against the proud, but he shows favour to the humble. So humble yourselves before God."

(3) Resist the Devil.
If you are a believer, Satan cannot force you to do anything. He can only suggest. Don't ever try to argue wih the Devil. He's better at arguing than you are, having had thousands of years of practice. You can't bluff Satan with logic or opinion, but you can use the weapon that makes him tremble - the truth of God. This is why memorising scripture is absolutely essential to defeating temptation.

"Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

(4) Realise your vulnerability.
It is easier to stay out of temptation than to get out of it.

"Don't be so naive and self-confident. You're not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence; it's useless. Cultivate God-confidence."

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