Friday, September 29, 2006

differentiation and integration

ok, so none of us remember how to do them :X im kinda lazy to blog nowadays anyway. Brudderswiththeanswers are up and running. im slpy. zZzZzZzZ. Seriously, we should treasure life. It's difficult to understand why we hafta suffer so much at times. Emotionally, mentally, physically..but faith will bring carry you thru...believe that He still exists and He never abandons you no matter how bleak situations may seem. When all is dark and gloomy, wait in hope for the new light. It will come..Someday we'll know the reason why. Hold on; never let go. Trust. Pray. Difficult, but all it takes is faith..Im glad you lived to see the next day everyday..Thank you for being alive.
Sigh. Differentiate "sin (2x)" anyone?

1 comment:

zh said...

2 cos (2x) :)